Alba Savoi has planned her whole creative path on the elaboration of the fold, which, for this reason is not only a formal event, but the precise and complex concept of Deleuze, based on Leibniz’s philosophical intuition, leading back to the Baroque as the essence of a problematic exceeding its temporal limits (…) The pressure […]
The whole body of research carried out by Greta Schödl for some years now appears to me a far-reaching enquiry into how to give analogical artistic expression to women, and women’s work with needle and thread. Schödl herself says: “I abandoned graphic art to adopt a wider series of signs, which gradually led me to […]
Maria Jole `Serreli lives and works in Sardinia, often using inspirations from the archaic traditional substance of her surroundings. She is a multi-faceted artist whose expressivity includes poetry and performance. Her relationship with the material of her artworks becomes more focused by the thread of fiber art, in which, for years, she has been a […]
With a skein of iron wire and a few spools of cotton thread, Franca Sonnino sets out to rebuild the world. Its microcosm is defined by a subtle, continuous, sometimes subdued sign, always intended to capture the deep essence of reality, not the contingent fact, the intimate substance of the structure, not the changing appearance […]
Chima Sunada is a Japanese artist born in Tokyo in 1944. During her childhood she approached the sacred art of Sho-do calligraphy in which she graduated and taught for decades. In the 70’s, she came in contact with Japanese concrete poetry, and thanks to the recommendation of a university professor, she decided to join the […]
I silenzi di Anna Torelli Vi è un settore della scrittura visuale che manca di una globale codificazione storica, di una fondazione, di un nome. È l’area delle scritture para-musicali; l’uso della scrittura musicale a fini di fruizione esclusivamente visiva. (…) La scarsità di collegamenti unificanti e di letteratura critica sull’argomento, non ha giovato alla […]