Nedda Guidi

The art of ceramics is so persuasive that it constitutes a veritable trap for whoever practices it. One is always tempted to maintain the porousness and the hairline cracks that occur, the lumps in the paste, to emphasize the occasional veining, the streaks left by the hands, the finger prints, the tears and lacerations that […]

Elisabetta Gut

After a first experience with painting, of post-cubist imprint at the beginning and then informal, the Swiss Italian artist experimented the relations between picture, writing, and natural elements, developing collages and assemblages that fit in visual poetry research. Handwritten sheets bounded with cotton thread and leaves, music scores positioned within seeds, books in cages or […]

Rosanna Lancia

Rosanna Lancia: Nature and Artifice The sign, the water and the iron. From the artificial to the natural and vice versa. Rosanna Lancia seeks the nature and truth of things along a path made up of mysterious lines: from fresco works to the three-dimensional research of matter, from pigments to iron, which becomes ductile like […]

Gisella Meo

Gisella Meo was born in Treviso in 1936. She studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice where she met Tancredi with whom she has a relationship that will later influence her work. In the 60s she lived in Africa and made her debut with multi-material and informal works. In 1976 at the Galleria […]

Patrizia Molinari

“The work of Patrizia Molinari extends beyond the frontiers of the realms of land and sky, creating a world capable of rendering the visible invisible, or celebrating, at one and the same time, the ascendency of life and the ascendency of death, so as to lead us towards the notion of the angelic being presented […]

Elly Nagaoka

Elly Nagaoka is a Japanese artist living and working in Rome. She was born in California, USA, raised in Tokyo and she obtained her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design (USA) in painting and printmaking. Her research focuses on the concepts of identity as a nomadic subject to investigate its multiplicity. She formalizes […]

Giustina Prestento

Giustina Prestento is first and foremost a performance artist. She developed her choreographic and pantomimic language through continual contact with contemporary music (Berio, Nono Petrassi etc). However, she is most remembered for her pictorial and graphic work. Prestento creates her drawings or paintings using  codified sign language, a kind of cheironomic transcript or neumes which […]

Renata Prunas

by Federica Maria Itria Scano The Sardo-Neapolitan author Renata Prunas does not identify herself as an artist by definition. The key piece of art Campionario (1979) shows the multiple plastic-visual possibilities of a material that Prunas makes her medium of choice: nylon tights, an industrial product and an everyday life item at the same time. Campionario consists of 20 wooden frames of 35×25 centimeters kept inside a wooden box, where each frame shows nylon […]

Anna Maria Sacconi

Annamaria Sacconi deals with color density in her works which span from very big to very small, and all reveal a vitality sedimented in matter. It may be due to her architectural training, which gifted her with recognition and prestige, that the construction of space is felt by her as a stratification of forms following […]