Home » Artists » Anna Maria Sacconi

Anna Maria


Rome 1948


Annamaria Sacconi deals with color density in her works which span from very big to very small, and all reveal a vitality sedimented in matter. It may be due to her architectural training, which gifted her with recognition and prestige, that the construction of space is felt by her as a stratification of forms following an organized, calm and dense rhythm. Her works indicate a desire to bring paintings beyond realism, pushing them towards a new knowledge of things: cards, envelopes and bags become solid forms, vital signs of their own being and existence.

Critical text

“The use of pigment and acrylic gives strength and vigor to these visual miracles, inviting the observing eye to enter the mixture of color and to wonder about the mechanisms of the combinations, the overlaps of pearly zones or the compact structures expanding from their limits.

For this artist, instincts about matter are combined with the evocative influences of numerous journeys to exotic and faraway places, freeing the structure in a series of figurative organisms which emphasize the condition of space itself: mingling glimpses of light, concrete chromatic layers, in other words the impulsive energy which exists buried in matter, vibrant with folds, both thick and thin, but nevertheless capable of evoking intense and secret sounds in her geometric registers.”

_Rosanna Ruscio