At the heart of Gramma_Epsilon Gallery our purpose is to connect the present female avant-garde with the climate of experimentation and the female-led emancipatory movements of the 1960s and 1970s. We aim to document the work of the artists of the era, a time characterised by extraordinary inventiveness and experimental strength, yet of which still little is known. This artistic expression which lived on the margins of the art market - and was sometimes even opposed to it - was therefore little understood, and risked having its traces erased over the past sixty years

The gallery, born in the centre of Athens - a crossroads of talent, culture, history, and above all freedom of expression - was not born there by chance. Both founders, Paolo Cortese and Francesco Romano Petillo followed this spirit, and have chosen the city to be the location where the narrative of women’s art in the second half of the twentieth century is played out.

The form and nature of the art during this period laid the pathway for the first projects on verbal-visual research, fiberart and how the book-object came to life. A path that, in addition to guiding us towards exhibitions of a classical format, monographs on female artists, and collective themes, broadens its perimeter to include projects presented in conjunction with international public and private institutions.

Within this context, the format ‘The girls of Mirella’ was born, a series of curated shows centred on female artists deeply connected with the curatorial work of Mirella Bentivoglio and her commitment as a cultural promoter.
The visual identity of Gramma_Epsilon is expressed with an ‘E’, which in the Italian language encompasses the two aspects of joining and defining and is derived from the Greek letter ‘epsilon’. In its original Phoenician form it was represented by a pictogram, a reversed E, which means ‘window’ and perfectly embodies the dual role of the gallery: to observe and to show.