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Greta Schödl _Warps of Light

Curated by Paolo Cortese and Rosanna Ruscio

18.06 - 05.10.2024

The solo show of Greta Schödl Warps of Light, curated by Paolo Cortese and Rosanna Ruscio, opens at Gramma_Epsilon Gallery in Athens on Tuesday 18 June at 18.00.

This is the first solo exhibition of the Austrian-Italian artist in Greece, and focuses mainly on two elements fundamental in Schödl’s poetics: writing as catharsis and nature as a point of reference. The fifty artworks on display include two-dimensional works, object-books, marble sculptures, and installations. Born in Hollabrunn, Austria, in 1929, Greta Schödl has been living and working in Bologna since the late 1950s. Starting within the realms of textile art, and then moving through more graphic practices, she soon encountered calligraphy.

After a shift from static graphic elements to freer movements and vibrations of the line, she then searched the capabilities of thread and, through this medium, the profound meaning of female existence. She uses the mediums of paper or textile, where she literally weaves her words. The emphasis of her work, however, is not limited to the verbal element but rather to its arrangement within a well-defined space and the relationship it creates with the medium in use.

In her work, Schödl has been applying a very precise methodology for over 50 years, which is demonstrated by repeating the movement of writing a word that is usually the very subject of the work.
