Curated by Paolo Cortese
Artists: Mirella Bentivoglio, Francesca Cataldi, Anna Esposito, Elisabetta Gut, Maria Lai, Gisella Meo, Greta Schödl, Franca Sonnino.

During the general climate of protest in the 1970s, women in Europe fought to reclaim their role in society. Since the feminist revolution touched upon many different areas of culture, it naturally influenced the consciousness of the creative world as well. Female art collectives soon formed, and came together to share their lived experiences and to support each other. Many women artists chose to hit the streets and took part at the forefront of the demonstrations, while others carried out their revolution in a different way, seemingly less obvious, yet equally as powerful.

Indeed, in the 1970s and 1980s artist, poet and curator Mirella Bentivoglio supported the struggle for female emancipation by curating annual exhibitions for female artists. Gramma_ Epsilon Gallery continues her legacy by introducing today the works of 8 female artists, including Bentivoglio herself, who have claimed their right to be artists by using as working tools the items that were close to hand and most compatible with their creative practice.

They used art as a link between the inner vision, the dream and its expression. A powerful Trojan horse able to break down all kinds of barriers and allow all women to fulfil their dreams and live their daily lives without having to give up the role that the society of the time imposed on them.

A fully realised and complete version of this project will be exhibited in the gallery in Athens from 12.11.2024 to 25.02.2025



Opening 31.10.2024

01 – 03.11.2024

Main Section

Hall GREEN Stand 13 / Hall BROWN Stand 14

OVAL Lingotto Fiere

Via Giacomo Mattè Trucco, 70

Torino 10126