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Milano 1940


Fernanda Fedi (b.1940) lives and works in Milan. She completed her artistic studies in Milan and Bologna, graduating from DAMS with a specialization in Museology, Museography at the Polytechnic of Milan and in Art Therapy. In addition to her artistic activity, she has been involved in teaching, both by offering a Painting Atelier for children and teenagers (following new methodologies), and as an art therapist through various collaborations in social centers and cultural associations. Fedi has collaborated with the Municipality of Milan (Education Sector) for the ‘School at the Museum’ initiative, and with the Lombardy Region (Bauer Centre) on visual culture lessons that focused on the relationship between art and advertising.
She has participated in artistic groups and collectives in Milan during the 1970s/1980s. With regard to that experience, she wrote the essay: Collectives and artistic groups in Milan. Ideologies and Paths 1968-1985 Ed. Endas. A devoted protagonist to her role as a woman-artist, she has taken part and organized several conferences and debates, such as Donna Arte Società 1978, at Centro Formentini Brera Milan; Donna Arte 1988 at Palazzo Stelline Milan and Creativity and Therapy at Avida Dollars Gallery 1996, Milan.

Critical text

“I believe that asemic visual poetry is the necessity of absolute participation and the necessity of thought, where the hand’s gesture and its Sign are allowed to move freely on the sheet, capturing vibrations of your own emotion and your own thought.
The work develops in its becoming, there’s no preparation, it’s an internal project that can also change in its making. It requires absolute mental and physical participation and focus. It is essential that the finished piece involves me in its authenticity from a form and content perspective and that it testifies to an emotional solicitation evocative of my memory.
This is my vision of asemic visual poetry.”

_Fernanda Fedi